Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Looking forward to Sarah's arrival in approximately 2 days, but at the same time I'm unsure of what I'm looking forward to. The thought of being able to talk to her without having to say "I gotta go for class" or "I've got work to do, talk to you later, sorry!", maybe.

It's been a while since we've had a proper conversation, and honestly I don't know how much have changed. Perhaps what has changed is us, and not the way we interact - and that isn't really a problem I guess.

The idea that "Things will be awesome when she's back!" is merely an expectation, and now I'm not so sure if I want to hold on to it - with nus being so far away, project deadlines on those weeks, her having other friends to hang out with and such. We'll find time for each other whenever we can, and just enough time to remember why she's someone important. Despite our lack of communication lately, and us feeling fine about that, I'm sure we'll come to realize once again what we can share with each other.

Friday's only two days away. The "omg let's do xxxx when I'm back" things might not happen within just that 1.5 weeks but that's ok. A friend's back and that's all there is to it.

Welcome back, I'm really looking forward to the weekends, or whenever we see each other. Not in the "I can already picture it" sense, but in the "I think I grew tired of looking forward to anything so I can't feel much right now, but I know things will be great" sense.

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